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Dopo un’episiotomia (taglietto del perineo) levitra 10 mg costo si forma una cicatrice che, se e molto profonda, puo dare origine levitra generico a dolore ai rapporti post acquistare levitraacquistare levitra partum. Anche, come qualunque altra medicina, deve mantenersi in ogni caso fuori della portata dei bambini. Come un sasso un uomo ha problemi di ricostruirsi, cambiarsi, pero se si “sporca”, viene pulito piu facilmente. Cialis contiene, come principio attivo, il tadalafil ed agisce bloccando il PDE5, ovvero l’enzima che previene l’erezione. Lo fanno in pochi nei Paesi in via di sviluppo, ma anche in occidente solo un paziente su due e in trattamento dopo un infarto, appena il 35 per cento di chi ha avuto un ictus prende i farmaci per la prevenzione. Questo non e insolito, tuttavia, se diventa troppo frequente, allora sai che c’e un problema, il trattamento deve essere cercato il piu rapidamente possibile. Venerdi sera fonti della polizia sequestro una cache di estasi in forma di pillola Viagra popolare anti-impotenza del farmaco apparentemente era destinata al consumo nei locali notturni del Levante, con la scorta di pillole della polizia anche sequestrato diverse armi. ecstasy liquido e 120 grammi di cocaina. Il Viagra e un trattamento per risolvere i problemi gli impotenza che e efficace in circa 30 minuti dopo l’ingestione.
Il sildenafil (50 mg) non ha potenziato gli effetti ipotensivi dell’alcool in volontari sani acquistare levitra con livelli ematici massimi di alcool corrispondenti in media a 80 mg/dl. Se si stanno assumendo farmaci prescritti da uno levitra generico specialista e non si vede la droga effetto positivo, o di malessere, e necessario contattare immediatamente un medico. E importante poi acquistare levitra ritrovare la dimensione ludica e giocosa per stimolare la fantasia e tornare a viver pienamente la sessualita. Quindi applicare i ratti per 7 giorni, circa 10 levitra 10 mg costo volte il massimo approvato di dosaggio (per persone) al viagra e scoperto che non c’e che un numero significativo di adipociti bianchi sono state trasformate in cellule di grasso gialle. Sono particolarmente convenienti per gli uomini in relazioni stabili, mature, dove la coppia puo usare un dispositivo di erezione nei preliminari. Love 36 e un complesso levitra generico di ingredienti attivi a base di piante sostenendo il processo naturale di depositi lipidici e conducendo ad un seno piu grande, piu ampio e piu rassodato. L’uso di yaz, ha dimostrato di migliorare l’atteggiamento psicologico delle donne colpite da sindrome premestruale, e in piu, la sua composizione aiuta a contrastare i problemi legati all’eccesso di ormoni maschili nel sangue, che levitra 10 mg costo causano peluria eccessiva pelle grassa e acne. Pompe pene (sistemi di pompaggio, vuoto) utilizzati per ottenere una erezione temporanea.
Al posto di 50mg si puo anche prendere la meta della pastiglia di Viagra 100mg. proprio a tal scopo, si consiglia levitra generico di non interrompere la terapia quotidiana con Cialis one a day. Non prendere Cialis Super Active piu di una volta al giorno. Ovviamente l’effetto si levitra 10 mg costo verifica se la pillola viene presa nelle ore o nei giorni che precedono l’ovulazione; se invece l’ovulo e gia stato fecondato la pillola non puo avere nessun effetto. Usare insieme il Levitra e alfabloccanti e controindicato. Diminuiscono gli attacchi di fame Spesso per soddisfare il nostro bisogno di felicita ci attacchiamo al cibo; ebbene il sesso ha levitra generico lo stesso effetto del cioccolato perche soddisfa un desiderio, ma contemporaneamente fa bruciare levitra 10 mg costo calorie e cancella la sensazione di appetito. Il sangue, rimanendo intrappolato nei tessuti spugnosi, rende il pene duro. Certamente usando Levitra non siete protetti dagli effetti collaterali, ma possono apparire raramente. e sono facilmente sopportabili.
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Che cosa è il Mediterraneo?
Che cosa è il Mediterraneo? Mille cose insieme. Non un paesaggio, ma innumerevoli paesaggi. Non un mare, ma un susseguirsi di mari. Non una civiltà, ma una serie di civiltà accatastate le une sulle altre. Viaggiare nel Mediterraneo significa incontrare il mondo romano in Libano, la preistoria in Sardegna, le città greche in Sicilia, la presenza araba in Spagna, l’Islam turco in Iugoslavia. Significa sprofondare nell’abisso dei secoli, fino alle costruzioni megalitiche di Malta o alle piramidi d’Egitto. Significa incontrare realtà antichissime, ancora vive, a fianco dell’ultramoderno: accanto a Venezia, nella sua falsa immobilità, l’imponente agglomerato industriale di Mestre; accanto alla barca del pescatore, che è ancora quella di Ulisse, il peschereccio devastatore dei fondi marini o le enormi petroliere. Significa immergersi nell’arcaismo dei mondi insulari e nello stesso tempo stupire di fronte all’estrema giovinezza di città molto antiche, aperte a tutti i venti della cultura e del profitto, e che da secoli sorvegliano e consumano il mare.
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I fascicoli a stampa della Rivista e dei Quaderni sono disponibili presso la NDF ( ), che ne cura la distribuzione: selezionare la voce “Mediterranea” nella sezione “Collaborazioni Editoriali”.
Shaw's Patio Bar & Grill
BUFFALO WINGS Served with celery and Bleu Cheese or Ranch Dressing and you choice:
Plain, Hot, Lemon Pepper or BBQ. 7 Wings 8.99 14 Wings 14.99 20 Wings 18.99
HOMEMADE SALSA with tortilla chips. 4.99
HOMEMADE QUESO with tortilla chips & homemade salsa. 6.99
HOMEMADE QUESO & GUACAMOLE with tortilla chips & homemade salsa. 8.99
DELUXE NACHOS Tortilla Chips smothered with queso, pico de gallo, sour cream, guacamole, jalapeños and grilled chicken fajitas. 11.99
CHICKEN TENDER SNACK Lightly battered chicken tenders served with golden fries and pepper cream gravy or Honey Mustard. 10.99
FROG FRIESA Campus Favorite! Seasoned golden fries covered with shredded, melted Cheddar cheese and bacon in a bed of brown gravy. Enjoy with our homemade Ranch dressing. (Jalapeños served on request) 9.99
FRIED GREEN BEANS Not your typical green beans! Served with homemade Ranch amd Wasabi Ranch dressing. 9.99
FRIED PICKLES with homemade Ranch dressing 8.99
SPINACH ARTICHOKE DIP Fresh spinach and artichoke hearts in Parmesan cream sauce served with Crostini Toast. 10.99
DRESSING CHOICES:Signature House Vinaigrette, Honey Mustard, Paris, Homemade Buttermilk Ranch, Creamy Balsamic Vinaigrette, Homemade Bleu Cheese, Wasabi Ranch.
Salads served with Crostini Toast.
Add Grilled Chicken Breast 3.59
Extra Dressing .79 each
GREEK Traditional Greek salad with Romaine lettuce, cucumbers, tomato wedges, bell peppers, red onions, Feta cheese and Kalamata olives. Served with Signature House Vinaigrette. 9.99
GARDEN HOUSE With fresh vegetables including shredded carrots, red cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, homemade croutons and shredded cheese. 8.99 Topped with Angus Beef patty 11.99
TEXAS CAESAR A Texas twist on the traditional Caesar! Your basic Caesar with Romaine lettuce, Parmesan cheese and homemade croutons. Red bell peppers, sweet corn, sundried tomatoes, cilantro and black beans for that Texas Accent. 10.99
With grilled chicken breast or chicken tenders 13.99
THE WEDGE I ceberg wedge with Applewood smoked bacon, brandy soaked cranberries, Bleu cheese crumbles and homemade Buttermilk Ranch dressing. 9.99
CHICKEN SALAD SALAD Delicious homemade chicken salad served on a bed of greens. Made with chicken breast, red onions, grapes, celery, dill, basil, mayonnaise and walnuts. 10.99
SHAW’S SPINACH SALAD Baby spinach, toasted almonds, shredded Provolone cheese and fresh sliced button mushrooms. Served with a creamy Parisian dressing. 10.99
DELUXE CHICKEN Large tossed green salad with diced egg, cucumbers, tomatoes, toasted slivered almonds and homemade croutons. Topped with your choice of a marinated grilled chicken breast or lightly battered chicken tenders. 13.99
Our burgers are made with FRESH, lean Angus Beef and served on a grilled bun with a choice of golden fries, homemade potato chips, baked beans or coleslaw.
ADD a cup of soup, side garden, side spinach or side Greek salad for only 2.99
SUBSTITUTE onion rings or sweet potato fries 1.99
SUBSTITUTE Chipotle Black Bean patty or Turkey patty on any burger add 1.00
OLD FASHIONED Lettuce, tomatoes, pickles and onions. 9.99 (with Cheddar cheese 10.79)
THE BIG TEX Lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, onions, Applewood smoked bacon, Cheddar cheese, fresh grilled jalapeños and a fried egg. 12.99
ABERNATHY Old is new again! Plain & simple. Our Angus beef topped ONLY with Provolone cheese and served on a wheat bun. 10.59
MUSHROOM SWISS Swiss cheese and sautéed mushrooms. 10.59
THETA Cattleman’s BBQ sauce, mayonnaise, pickles and Cheddar cheese. 9.99
BLACK & BLEU Blackened Angus patty, red onions and Bleu cheese crumbles. 10.59
CHILI CHEESE Topped with chili, onions and shredded Cheddar cheese. 10.99
BISON Lettuce, tomatoes, Cabernet grilled onions, Wisconsin Cheddar cheese and Bleu cheese mayonnaise. 11.99
MEAN GREEN Mozzarella cheese, spinach, arugula and Parsley Basil Aioli. 10.99
GREEK Feta cheese, grilled red onions, oregano, lettuce, tomatoes and Tzatziki on the side. 10.79
BACON CHEDDAR Topped with lettuce, tomatoes, Applewood smoked bacon, Cheddar cheese, Balsamic onions and Chipotle ketchup. 10.99
GUACAMOLE BACON Topped with lettuce, tomatoes, fresh homemade guacamole, Applewood smoked bacon and Cheddar cheese. 11.99
THE SHAWsauge Angus burger topped with spicy Andouille sausage, grilled onions, Mozzarella cheese and sundried tomatoes…Not your standard burger! 10.99
TURKEY COBB Seasoned turkey patty with bacon, Romaine lettuce, tomatoes, avocados, and topped with Bleu cheese crumbles and our special Cobb dressing. 10.99
PORTOBELLO This meatless burger is a sautéed Portobello mushroom topped with pesto, roasted red bell peppers and Provolone cheese. 9.99
3-ALARM Charred Habanero, Serrano and Jalapeño peppers with melted Monterey Jack cheese, Chipotle mayonnaise, lettuce and tomatoes. 10.99
THE BIG CHEESY Cheddar, Monterey Jack and Swiss cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, pickles and onions. 10.99
TEX-MEX Topped with chorizo, Monterey Jack, lettuce, tomatoes, onions and charred jalapeños. 10.99
MEMPHIS Topped with coleslaw, Cheddar cheese, Cattleman’s BBQ sauce and pickles. 10.99
COWTOWN Cheddar cheese, Cattleman’s BBQ sauce, bacon and topped with fried shoestring onions. 10.99
BILLY GOAT Angus patty topped with Goat cheese, sautéed mushrooms, lettuce & marinated tomatoes. 10.99
Basket of Potato Chips – homemade with Idaho potatoes 3.99
Basket of Double Dipped Onion Rings 5.99
Basket of Sweet Potato Fries 6.99
Homemade Baked Beans 2.99
Cole Slaw – made FRESH daily 2.99
Extra Dressing .79
Platters* served with golden fries or mashed potatoes, sautéed vegetable medley and Texas toast. Add a cup of soup, side garden, side spinach or side Greek salad for only $2.99
* CHICKEN TENDER PLATTER Crispy chicken tenders served with a side of pepper cream gravy. 13.99
* PORK CHOP PLATTER* Seasoned, marinated and grilled to perfection. 14.99
* CHICKEN FRIED CHICKEN PLATTER* Lightly breaded, pan-fried chicken breast topped with pepper cream gravy. 13.99
* CHICKEN FRIED STEAK PLATTER* Lightly breaded choice beef cutlet, pan-fried topped with pepper cream gravy. 13.99
TX CHICKEN FAJITA QUESADILLA Lightly grilled flour tortilla, stuffed with fajita seasoned grilled chicken breast, aged Cheddar and Mozzarella cheese. Served with sour cream and homemade salsa. 11.99 Add a side of guacamole. 1.99
Every Day CHICKEN TORTILLA SOUP Our homemade chicken tortilla is slow simmered with a special blend of seasonings and spices. Chunks of chicken breast with slices of fresh avocados, tortilla chips and Cheddar cheese top it off. Bowl 5.49 Cup 4.49
SOUP OF THE DAY Ask your server for today’s selection! Bowl 4.99 Cup 3.99
HOMEMADE CHILI Enjoy our delicious homemade chili. Topped with Cheddar cheese. Onions available on request. Bowl 5.99 Cup 4.99
THE COMBO Served with homemade potato chips. Select 2 items from below 10.99. Choose 3rd item add 3.99.
- 1/2 Panini or 1/2 Chicken Salad Sandwich
- Small Salad: Garden, Spinach or Greek
- Cup of Soup (Cup of chili – add 1.00)
Sandwiches served with a pickle spear and golden fries, homemade potato chips, baked beans or coleslaw. Add a cup of soup, side garden, side spinach or side Greek salad for only $2.99. Substitute onion rings or sweet potato fries $1.99.
CHICKEN SALAD Our own special recipe made with chicken breast, red onions, grapes, celery, dill, basil, mayonnaise and walnuts. Served on multi-grain bread. 9.99
AMERICAN GRILLED CHEESEA Favorite Classic! American cheese grilled to perfection. 8.99. With Applewood smoked bacon or ham 9.99
TEXAS GRILLED CHEESE Adult version of the kid classic! Creamy Brie cheese, Applewood smoked bacon or ham and thin tomato slices. Served on Texas toast. 10.99
THE BIRD Marinated and grilled chicken breast with lettuce, tomatoes, red onions, Applewood smoked bacon, fresh avocados, basil mayonnaise and Provolone cheese. 9.99
CHICKEN FRIED STEAK SANDWICH with lettuce, tomatoes and mayonnaise. Served on a grilled bun. 10.99
CHICKEN FRIED CHICKEN SANDWICH with lettuce, tomatoes and mayonnaise. Served on a grilled bun. 10.99
TX TURKEY REUBEN Smoked turkey, cole slaw, Provolone cheese with 1000 Island on wheat toast. 10.99
CALIFORNIA BLTThe classic sandwich! Applewood smoked bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich with fresh avocado slices on wheat toast. 10.99
SHAW’S CLUB Triple Decker on wheat toast with Applewood smoked bacon, smoked turkey, Provolone cheese, spinach, tomatoes and mayonnaise. 11.99
TURKEY & HAVARTI PANINI with Parsley Basil Aioli on Panera’s fresh bread. 9.99
HAM & SWISS PANINI with caramelized onions on Panera’s fresh bread. 10.59
GRILLED CHEDDAR, TOMATO & BACON PANINI with Cheddar, sliced tomatoes and Applewood smoked bacon on Panera’s fresh bread. 10.59
VEGGIE LOVERS PANINI Eggplant, zucchini, yellow squash, red bell peppers, Mozzarella cheese and Olive Tapenade on Panera’s fresh bread. 9.99
ROASTED PORTOBELLO PANINI Marinated Portobello mushroom, Goat cheese, baby spinach and red bell peppers on Panera’s fresh bread. 9.99
HAMBURGER CLUB Triple Decker on wheat toast with an Angus patty, Applewood smoked bacon, Provolone cheese, lettuce, tomatoes and Thousand Island dressing. 11.99
PATTY MELT Topped with grilled sautéed onions, Provolone cheese and served on Texas toast. 10.99
All beef quarter pound hot dog served on a grilled bun. Choice of golden fries, homemade potato chips, baked beans or coleslaw.
SUBSTITUTE onions rings or sweet potato fries $1.99
ADD a cup of soup, side garden, side spinach or side Greek salad for only $2.99
CHILI CHEESE DOG Topped with Cheddar cheese, chili and onions. 9.99
HOT DIGGIDY DOG Topped with charred Habanera, Serrano and Jalapeno peppers, Chipotle ketchup, Cheddar cheese and onions. 9.99
THE BIG BACON Topped with Applewood smoked bacon, grilled onions, fresh guacamole, shredded Cheddar cheese and served with a side of sour cream 10.59
THE BIG BBQ Topped with Applewood sliced bacon, grilled onions, Cattleman’s BBQ sauce and shredded Cheddar cheese. 10.59
THE SHAWsauge DOG Spicy Andouille sausage, grilled onions, Mozzarella cheese and sundried tomatoes. 9.99
CHICAGO STYLE DOG Yellow Mustard, sweet relish, onions, tomato wedges, pickles & banana peppers. 8.99
THE TEXAN Texas sausage filled with Jalapeno peppers and Cheddar cheese topped with grilled onions, Pico de Gallo and more shredded Cheddar. 10.99
Coke • Diet Coke • Coke Zero • Sprite • Dr. Pepper • Lemonade • Coffee • Tea • Sweet Tea
DRAFT ROOT BEER1 free refill
Ice cold Abita Root Beer served in a frozen mug.
Frostie Root Beer • Frostie Diet Root Beer • IBC Root Beer • IBC Diet Root Beer • Hank’s Root Beer • Stewart’s Root Beer • Boylan’s Root Beer • Mexican Coke • Mexican Orange Fanta
Our shakes and malts are handspun with Blue Bell Ice Cream and topped with whipped cream and a cherry. The very best in town! 5.49
We guarantee our food, beverages and service. If you are not pleased in every way, please insist on seeing the manager immediately.
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